From the Blog

September 22nd was National Falls Prevention Awareness Day!

It is important to know that falls are NOT a normal part of aging and there are many things you can do to help prevent falls.
Our Care Coordinator, Jennerra Harness, MS, COTA/L, shares some great exercises you can do at home to help prevent falls in this month’s blog. Falls are the leading cause of serious injury and death in the older adult population. Each year the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that more than 25% of adults over the age of 65 visit emergency rooms and urgent care centers due to falls. Most falls are preventable and can be avoided if you know your fall risk.

Do you know you’re fall risk?

Know your medications and their side effects. Polypharmacy or taking multiple medications greatly increases the fall risk for seniors. Low vision and other vision impairments, such as diabetic retinopathy or macular degeneration cause vision changes which may lead to falls. Balance issues and reduced muscle strength may slow or decrease mobility which increases the risk for falls

Fall Prevention Excercises

Weight Shifting
  • Standing with your feet at hip-width, shift your weight to one side, lifting your opposite foot off the floor.
  • Hold the position as long as you can (about 30 seconds), then shift to the other side and repeat five times (or as many times as you are comfortable).
  • If your balance is impaired use a wall, countertop, or sturdy chair to help you keep your balance.
  • Rise out of a chair without using your arms to push up.
  • Modification – Place a firm pad underneath you on the chair seat to raise you.
  • Stand with your back facing a sturdy chair and your feet hip-width apart.
  • Sit back and slowly lower your hips onto the chair as gently as possible. Without swinging your torso, push through your heels to stand up.
  • Perform 10 times. As you get stronger, perform the move without holding onto anything.
Standing Marches
  • Stand next to a chair or counter. You can use this for support if you begin to fall. You can also stand with your back to a corner and use the walls if you need support.
  • Stand with your feet slightly apart (as you normally stand) and your arms at your side.
  • March in place, lifting each knee high toward the ceiling.
  • Do this 20 times
Know your home and maintain a realistic sense of self about making changes when needed to ensure your safety.
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