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The Importance of Planning Ahead for Long-Term Care

For many individuals the new year signifies a time to create goals and put in place our resolutions for the year. A lot of these goals usually are related to health and wellness. We like to think that we will always be healthy and independent, but the reality is that as we age, our health and independence may change. In fact, about 70% of us will need long-term care services making it essential to have a well-thought-out plan in place.

  • The Growing Need for Long-Term Care: The demographic landscape is rapidly changing, with an increasing number of individuals living longer lives and more people over the age of 65 than ever before. These trends present new challenges, particularly in terms of healthcare and support for older adults. Planning ahead is crucial to ensure that the necessary resources and support systems are in place. It is important to research the services that available and know that family and friends may not always be able to be there in the way you need them.
  • Preserving Financial Security: One of the most significant reasons to plan for long-term care is to safeguard your financial well-being. The costs associated with long-term care services, whether provided at home, in assisted living facilities, or nursing homes, can be substantial. According to Genworth, the average cost of a year of nursing home care in Maryland exceeds $130,000. By planning early, individuals can explore options such as Wesley SecureCare or other financial strategies to protect their assets and ensure that they can afford quality care when needed.
  • Maintaining Control Over Your Future: Planning for long-term care empowers individuals to make decisions about their future while they are still able to do so. By engaging in conversations with family members and healthcare professionals, you can express your preferences regarding the type of care you wish to receive, the location of your care, and the individuals you trust to make decisions on your behalf if needed. This level of proactive decision-making ensures that your wishes are honored, providing peace of mind for both you and your loved ones. This is something that Wesley SecureCare specializes in for our members.
  • Alleviating Burden on Family Members: Without proper planning, the responsibility of caregiving often falls on family members. While family support is invaluable, it can be emotionally and physically taxing, potentially leading to strained relationships and burnout. Dynamics and responsibilities also change and a family member may not be available to provide the care and support required when you need it.
  • Adapting to Changing Health Needs: Health conditions can change unexpectedly, and having a long-term care plan in place allows for flexibility in adapting to evolving needs. Whether it’s modifying your living arrangements, accessing additional medical services, or adjusting your financial strategy, a well-crafted plan provides the framework for navigating these changes with minimal disruption to your overall well-being.

In the journey of life, planning for long-term care is an essential aspect that deserves careful attention. It not only preserves financial security but also empowers individuals to maintain control over their future, alleviate burdens on family members, and adapt to changing health needs.

By taking proactive steps today, you are not only securing a better tomorrow for yourself but also providing peace of mind for those who care about you.

Learn more about how Wesley SecureCare can help you plan ahead and secure peace of mind by joining us at one of our events or setting up a personal appointment. Our team of experienced professionals help provide you with the information you need to make a well-crafted plan.

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